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GVA Property Management Runs Better on ResMan

LaToya Cox, Operations Support Specialist at GVA Property Management, shares how she uses ResMan to help their 10,000+ units run better.
LaToya Cox, Operations Support Specialist at GVA Property Management, shares how she uses ResMan to help their 10,000+ units run better. “It saves huge amounts of time using ResMan,” LaToya says. “The access to Support makes ResMan so unique and makes my job a lot easier with that nearly immediate response we get.” GVA is also eliminating preventable evictions using ResMan Fraud Detection! “You’re not able to tell if documents are edited just by viewing it,” LaToya says. “It’s really a great tool. Being able to examine the files gives us a better outlook on the individual so we don’t have to evict them later.”

If you’re interested in ResMan as a software provider for your daily operations, book a demo to see the product up close. 

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