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Regional Managers

The Michaels Organization on Using ResMan

Richard Keaser, Financial Systems Analyst for The Michaels Organization, shares his experience with our user-friendly software at ResMan.
Richard Keaser, Financial Systems Analyst for The Michaels Organization, shares his experience with our user-friendly software at ResMan. “Being able to see the all the information in one spot, to see the certifications through the compliance center and what's up to date or currently active is a great way for our team to make sure that our properties are on schedule and on track for the best chance at success,” says Richard. Richard loves his ability to access Support when necessary and says it’s one of his favorite parts about working with ResMan. “One of the greatest features of ResMan is the assistance from the Customer Portal,” he adds. “Any questions you might have comes with great articles that make it easy to share with teammates. Between the Chat feature and ticket submission, there’s always someone there to reach out to on where your case is at.”

If you’re interested in ResMan as a software provider for your daily operations, book a demo to see the product up close. 

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