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Anchor NW Property Group Runs Better on ResMan

Jim Rostel, COO of the Anchor NW Property Group, shares how their 2100 units in Portland, OR run better on ResMan.
Jim Rostel, COO of the Anchor NW Property Group, shares how their 2100 units in Portland, OR run better on ResMan. “We’ve been using ResMan for six years and the #1 thing that makes them different is the people, bar none,” Jim says. “ResMan provides strong financial reports. This allows us to identify areas where we can become more efficient and increase our NOI,” Jim says. “We run on a centralized model and the biggest thing for us is ResMan’s open API integration which allows us to bring in the centralization software we need and connect it to our core system.” Jim also says how much they appreciate the level of Customer Support they receive with ResMan. “ResMan has always been available when needed,” Jim says. “We understand our needs are unique to other property management companies, yet ResMan has gone out of their way to make sure we have a solution that is truly beneficial to us.”

If you’re interested in ResMan as a software provider for your daily operations, book a demo to see the product up close. 

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