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Darcorp Management Runs Better On ResMan

Jenny Rosario, Chief Operating Officer at Darcorp, talks about the impact of ResMan across Darcorp's portfolio.
Jenny Rosario, Chief Operating Officer at Darcorp, talks about the impact of ResMan across Darcorp's portfolio. "ResMan surpasses all other management platforms for the simple reason that is user-friendly," Jenny says. "Not only is it user-friendly, but it is the end-user and resident experience that makes the difference. If their life is easier, our life is easier." Darcorp is also using ResMan's Fraud Detection to prevent false documents and future evictions. "It has reduced the bad debt, the expense costs on evictions, and the legwork of chasing down leads that aren't valid," Jenny states. "You can get a hundred leads, but if they're not qualified, it doesn't mean anything.

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