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Ciranta Property Management Runs Better on ResMan

Christina Young, Controller for Ciranta Property Management, shares her experience using ResMan for their 1700+ units.
Christina Young, Controller for Ciranta Property Management, shares her experience using ResMan for their 1700+ units. “I’ve been using ResMan since 2021,” Christina says. “As the controller of the company, my main focus is financial statements. Being able to drill in to the source documents makes everything so much easier. It’s key for me.” Christina also appreciates the level of support and assurance she gets from ResMan’s team. “Anytime we’ve ever come across an issue or a problem, we pop over to the Knowledge Center or contact Support and I always get a fast response,” Christina says. “And it’s not just a one-email, it’s a discussion where they check in with me and ask how I’m doing. It’s awesome to have that readily available.”

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