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Mark-Taylor Operates Better on ResMan

Derek Lehn, Controller at Mark-Taylor, Inc, shares how their 25,000+ units operate efficiently with ResMan, especially in the back office.
Derek Lehn, Controller at Mark-Taylor, Inc, shares how their 25,000+ units operate efficiently with ResMan, especially in the back office. “ResMan, especially from the accounting perspective, is built for ease of use,” Derek says. “We can train people on ResMan so quickly. If we have ownership groups who don’t know the platform, we can prove the ability to operate on ResMan with ease... It’s extremely powerful.” Mark-Taylor is grateful to take advantage of ResMan’s open API integration and platform. “Especially with centralization, we can use vendor partners that fit our model,” Derek states. “ResMan accepts them with open arms and we value that greatly.”

If you’re interested in ResMan as a software provider for your daily operations, book a demo to see the product up close. 

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